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What is MOVE-UP?

MOVE-UP develops a flexible and quality upskilling pathway for women who are dedicating most of their time and efforts to the role of mother and who are in need to (re)join education activities and the job market.

The MOVE-UP activities offer the opportunity of assessing and further developing the Personal, Social and Learning to Learn competences (PSL) acquired thanks to motherhood experience, both to develop key competences and to promote and facilitate the access to further training and employment opportunities.

Who are we?

MOVE-UP is organised by an international partnership: FORMA.AZIONE, RIDAP - Rete Italiana Istruzione degli Adulti IT, APEFA - Associação Portuguesa para a Educação e Formação de Adultos, AKEP - Academy of Entrepreneurship, Die Berater Unternehmensberatung and EAEA - European Association for the Education of Adults.

The project is also supported by Associated Partners and Alliance stakeholders, representing policy makers, labour market, education, and civil society in the participating countries. Read more  about the organisations that contribute!

Who are you?

If you work in the sector of ALE (Adult Learning and Education), employment and social services:

We need your experience in the field and your insight on how to design and improve tools to better match real needs of practitioners and learners.

Join our National and/or International Alliance/s, Peer Learning Activities and dissemination events!

If you are a woman with experience of motherhood, finding yourself currently unemployed, and wish to participate in education activities and work:

We would like to hear your experience and for you to share with us your understanding of the needs, expectations, and challenges that you are facing to (re)join education and work.

Join our upskilling pathway in your country!

Why get involved?

If you are an organisation working on ALE, employment and social sector:

Gain insight on engaging audience and supporting participation in learning activities.

Gain visibility for your organisation and ensure more sustainability for your own activities.

Adopt a more gender equal approach and contrast gender stereotypes and discriminations.

Ensure that your good practices are leveraged and exploited by others.

Contribute to new insight to support policy review and policy feedback cycle.

If you are a woman experiencing unemployment:

Value your experience as mother for (re)joining training and job market.

Learn more about our activities and join us!


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project number: 101087412, ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-FORWARD-LOT3
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