Are you an organisation working on Adult Learning and Education, employment and social sector?

Join us and contribute to some project activities, such as participating in the MOVE-UP National and/or International Alliance/s (to broad our cooperation partnership) and joining us for Peer Learning Activities and dissemination events.

This module aims to equip beneficiaries with two main abilities. Understanding the tourism market trends and, within them, identifying professional profiles needed for SMEs development. Assessing the need for professionals of tourism SMEs by recognizing their strategies, identifying the gaps, recognizing the reference competences and tasks, identifying the proper professional profile so as to activate a recruitment action.
At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance will be issued after completing the evaluation questionnaire.
Write your awesome label here.

Download our Outreach Strategy

Download our Self-assessment & Evaluation Toolkit

Download the Move-Up Plan

Download the Transnational Report on the piloting activities

Download the project's Impact Assessment

Download the Move-Up Alliances Activity Report

What this project offers you in practice?

  • A collection of good practices to outreach and engage with women who wish to re-join education and the job market.
  • A good insight on methods for assessing and validating prior learning related to Personal, Social and Learning to learn competence (PSL) and a new adapted method to use in your own activity.
  • An overview of methodologies for tailored learning and enhancement of PSL.
  • Joining the project implementation activities and offer them to learners in your service.
  • Free participation in national Peer Learning Activities.
  • Free participation in the National or International MOVE-UP Alliances, with peer review activities and webinars, also as a speaker.
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Benefits for you

  • Gain new knowledge on how to better engage with your audience and how to support them to participate in learning activities and to (re)join the labour market.
  • Gain visibility for your organisation and network.
  • Adopt a more gender equal approach in your training activities, thus actively contrast gender stereotypes and discriminations in the labour market.
  • Ensure that your good practices and experience is leveraged and exploited by others and more broadly, at regional, national and international level.
  • Ensure more sustainability for your own projects and activities.
  • Contribute to new insight to support policy review and policy feedback cycle from a regional, national and European perspective.
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project number: 101087412, ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-FORWARD-LOT3

This course has been developed under the Scientific Coordination of Ms. Laila Bauleo, Tourism expert due to her long lasting experience and studies on tourism as included in the publications:
  • “Public policy and models for integrated territorial tourism development: the Italian case of the region of Umbria”, REVISTA DE ANÁLISIS TURÍSTICO, n° 11, 1er semester 2011, pp. 65-74, in cooperation with Paola de Salvo, ISSN: 1885-2564
  • “Anticipation of professional needs in tourism sector”, Isfol, I Libri del Fondo Sociale Europeo, 2009, cap. 2, ISSN: 1590-0002
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