Promoting Artificial Intelligence Competences in VET

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Course overview

Empowering the future of vocational education with AI integration

Promoting Artificial Intelligence Competences in Vocational Education and Training (PAIC) project, under the Erasmus+ program, aims to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into vocational education and training (VET) curricula across Europe.

Soon available in other languages as well


What's included?

  • 8 Modules
  • X Activities
  • Z Quality Checks
  • Y Video

Welcome to the PAIC E-Learning Platform

Our platform is part of the EU-funded initiative "Promoting Artificial Intelligence Competences in Vocational Education and Training" (PAIC). This training program empowers learners with essential AI skills, focusing on practical applications such as machine learning algorithms and real-world business problem-solving. Key features include an interactive AI curriculum, hands-on exercises, and digital tools designed to enhance employability and innovation in VET (Vocational Education and Training). Join us in shaping the future of AI-driven education and workforce readiness.

Project number: KA220-VET-AA1DD9A0
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