Course overview
The BECBA Project Results part of the BECBA page gives the learners access to:
- The national reports on the topic of agricultural waste management systems and circular practices in the rural areas of the partner countries
- The Comparative Assessment of rural and circular practices in the partner countries
- The Training Format
- The 'Agricultural waste management in a circular economy' Manual
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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Project Number: 101093619
Project Number: 101093619
BECBA (Boosting Employability through Circularity of Bio-waste in Rural areas) aims to engage and empower young people in agro-entrepreneurship actions turning bio-waste into valuable bio-products through innovative circular business models for job creation and environmental protection of rural areas.
The project addresses two major issues related to rural areas: unemployment of young people and high amounts of segregated and mixed bio-waste that are not properly managed.
The project addresses two major issues related to rural areas: unemployment of young people and high amounts of segregated and mixed bio-waste that are not properly managed.